Is Poor Posture to Blame For Your Shoulder Impingement?

Shoulder Impingement Dec20th 2023

If your shoulder is bothering you, take a look at your posture. Are you sitting up straight? If not, this could be contributing to your shoulder pain!

Fortunately, a physical therapist can test to see what the cause of your pain is and help improve your posture, therefore also relieving your pain.

Not sure why you’re living in discomfort? Ready to get back to leading a pain-free life? Call our clinic today to find out more about improving your posture and addressing shoulder pain at North Austin Physical Therapy.

Recognizing shoulder impingement

People suffering from shoulder impingement frequently report difficulty raising their arm above their head. This can manifest as being unable to lift something overhead or having difficulty putting on a coat.

Shoulder impingement, if left untreated, wears down the tendons or bursa in the shoulder, causing a tear in the rotator cuff that often necessitates surgery to repair.

What causes shoulder impingement?

In most cases, shoulder impingement is caused by repetitive overhead motions. Shoulder impingement can affect swimmers, tennis players, construction workers, painters, and athletes such as baseball players and weight lifters.

Athletes are not the only ones who struggle to lift their arm above their heads without pain. Shoulder impingement occurs when the space between the acromion and the rotator cuff narrows.

Our daily habits, such as poor posture, can also shorten that space. The postures we adopt while reading, working, texting, driving, cooking, or exercising can all have an effect on the amount of subacromial space on our shoulders.

How can I treat shoulder impingement?

Regardless of the cause of the condition, the first goal is to reduce joint inflammation. This can be accomplished by taking anti-inflammatory medications and applying ice to the affected area when pain occurs.

Once the inflammation has subsided, seeing a physical therapist is the best way to get rid of shoulder impingement. They will not only be able to perform a thorough physical examination to rule out other underlying causes, but they will also be able to design a personalized treatment plan for you.

Treatment will most likely include avoiding repetitive, overhead motions for some time and stretches to reduce impingement.

Strengthening exercises to prevent the pain from recurring may also be included in your treatment plan.

A physical therapist may also recommend adjustments to improve your posture if you have shoulder impingement.

Maintaining an ergonomic workspace, improving your posture while performing daily tasks, and stretching appropriately throughout the day will all help to treat the underlying cause of your shoulder impingement and prevent it from returning.

Shoulder impingement, whether caused by poor posture or repetitive tasks, is not to be taken lightly. Speak with your physical therapist if you are experiencing pain when moving your arms overhead. The earlier the condition is treated, the more effective the treatment.

Why you should choose physical therapy for relief

As stated by the American Physical Therapy Association,

“The physical therapist uses tests and measures to assess an individual’s structural alignment. Optimal posture is a state of musculoskeletal balance and skeletal alignment that may protect the individual against injury or progressive deformity. Responses monitored at rest, during activity, and after activity may indicate the presence or severity of an impairment, activity limitation, or participation restriction.”

Our physical therapists have extensive experience and are committed to assisting patients in relieving pain and improving their posture. When you arrive for your first appointment, your physical therapist will perform a thorough examination to determine the source of your pain and the best treatment options for relieving it.

Your physical therapist will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific requirements. This will concentrate on relieving your pain, increasing your strength, and improving your posture as soon as possible. Treatment plans may also emphasize mobility, balance, flexibility, or stability, depending on the nature of your condition.

Ready to return to a pain free lifestyle? Contact North Austin Physical Therapy today!

Is your posture to blame for your shoulder pain? Get in touch with us today to find out.

At our physical therapy clinic, our team are movement experts with experience treating shoulder pain. We’ll provide you with the treatment you require so you can get back to living pain-free!


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